Crisis Text Line

In crisis? Text STEVE to 741741.

Are you a young person of color? Feeling down, stressed or overwhelmed? Text STEVE to 741741 and a live, trained Crisis Counselor will respond.

The Steve Fund has created ​a special keyword, STEVE, that young people of color can text to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7. ​ The Fund views text messaging as a key component of its strategy towards addressing the unmet mental health needs of college and university students of color.​ Through its partnership with the Crisis Text Line, the Fund promotes text messaging as a means to improve the critically needed access for young people of color to crisis counseling.

Speak Out and Share with Your Network

If you are a young person of color who is feeling stressed, depressed, or anxious, please know you can text STEVE to 741741 to connect with a trained crisis counselor 24/7.

You can also help us sharing this page and by distributing a flyer we have created for this partnership.

Download in JPG format


Become a Crisis Text Line Counselor 

To become a Crisis Counselor volunteer, you must:

Pass a background check

Have a US Social Security number

Be at least 18 years old

Have access to a computer with a secure, reliable internet connection

Agree to the CTL  Code of Conduct

Commit to volunteering 4 hours a week for 1 year

Apply Here

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